The Hype Tribe LLP was first established in October 2017. We are a bunch of trickers who have gathered together to help guide others who are interested to learn tricking or just tricks but have no clue how and where to start.
Some of us come from martial arts backgrounds while some do not, but we all come together with the common aim of building the community and helping it grow. Therefore, we work hard towards growing the classes and conducting workshops in order to fund the annual tricking gathering, right here in the heartlands of Singapore, known as "Singapore Tricking Gathering". And of course, a future playground we would call "The Hype Gym"!
We intend to build a system with these main aims:
1. To ensure that our students learn through Safe and Systematic Progressions that are proven to work
2. To enable our community to flourish
3. To set the standard of coaching in the scene
We just really want to grow Singapore's tricking community
be a
of us
Some of you may also be inclined to find an exciting hobby or a movement to add flavor to life. Others may be looking at finding activities to build confidence in their lives. Imagine how much confidence it brings to you when you master your first backflip!
We do not expect our students to stay as students for too long! Once you pick up the necessary skillsets, train with us or jump into our bandwagon as paid coaches!
our TEAM
Goh Ray Fong
Ray has a back made of rubber and steel at the same time, we don't know which planet he is from, but he sure makes a good coach!
Background: Taekwondo and Wushu
Dilon Ho
Dilon is the master at the "Blue beetle capture the orange orange" technique, and will demonstrate it if you ask.
Background: Taekwondo and Wushu
His in-depth knowledge in Sports Science gives him the ability to predict your every move! Beware!
Background: Sports Science
Joseph Chai
Very cute happy go lucky tricker that likes to jump everywhere, able to do a middle split. Got into tricking through action films.
Background: Taekwondo and Stuntwork/Fight Choreography
Nina has very good front tucks and she is one of the most patient teachers around to guide you through your basics.
Background: Gymnastics and Parkour